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The Department OPTOSPINTRONICS is focused on the development of knowledge based multifunctional materials such as:
- Heusler and half Heusler materials (NiMnSb Co2Mn(Si, Ge, Ga, Sn, Sb) as well as some solid solutions of types Co2Mn X(1-x)Yx particularly studied for their applications in spintronics;
- diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMS), mainly Co-based
- micro and nano metal organic complexes with applications in optoelectronics;
- ceramic/polymer composites with applications in informational technology;
- structured materials based on doped phosphate glasses for photonics and photonic structures
- metal plasmon structures for medical and forensic applications (e.g.real time diagnostic)
The scientists at OPTOSPINTRONICS have expertise in synthesis of powder, bulk and thin films (sol-gel, pulsed laser deposition) and characterisation (FTIR , Raman, UV-Visible-NIR, fluorescence spectrophotometry, Magneto-Optic Kerr Effect (MOKE), Seebeck-effect measurements )
Bilateral Agreements
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NEW ZEALAND: The MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology, Victoria University, Wellington:Preparation and investigation by Raman spectroscopy and photoluminescence of photonic materials based on functional polymers, GaN and doped glasses
FRANCE: MADIREL-UMR 6121 CNRS-Universite de Provence, Marseille : Preparation and investigation of structural properties of photonic materials and magnetic alloys and nitrides
IM2-Universite de la Mediterranee, Marseille: Research in the field of preparation and investigation of Heusler compounds (especially « tailored » ones) and other magnetic materials with applications in SPINTRONICS.
UNITED KINGDOM: Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine –London: Investigation of magnetic alloys with applications in spintronics, magnetocalorics and photonics.
CYPRUS: Department of Physics, University of Cyprus: Investigation of magnetic alloys with applications in spintronics and of photonic materials prepared by sol-gel and PLD.
BELGIUM: Catholic University of Leuven: Extra Shock Wave Lithotripsy applications in medicine
PORTUGAL: New University of Lisbon: Preparation and study of piezoceramics
PORTUGAL- University of Aveiro: Ceramic and Glass Engineering Department: preparation and optical/structural characterization of photonic materials based on crystalline and vitreous oxide glasses applied in optoelectronics (waveguide lasers, holographic gratings, etc)
PORTUGAL-University of Aveiro, Department of Physics, I3N/FSCOSD, preparation and optical/structural characterization of materials as bulk, powders and thin films
Contact us
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National Institute for Optoelectronics – Department Optospintronics
Atomistilor no. 409, P.O.Box MG 05,
Magurele - Bucharest,
077125, ROMANIA
Phone/fax: +40 314 05 07 91
web: http://optospintronics.inoe.ro
International Projects
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- MANUNET: Smart optical device for temperature sensing, based on innovative luminescent IV-VI quantum dots-doped complex nanostructured thin films (TEMSENSOPT) (2020-2022);
- MANUNET: Optical Limiter Device Based on Innovative Graphene-Derived Materials (OLIDIGRAPH) (2018-2020);
- MNT-ERA-NET: High-performance tandem heterojunction solar cells for specific applications (SOLHET) (2016-2019);
- MPNS COST Action MP1406: MultiscaleSolar-Multiscale in modelling and validation for solar photovoltaics (2015-2018);
- MNT-ERA-NET: Innovative optical microsensors based on rare-earth-doped phosphate glasses (SENSGLASS) (2011-2014);
- FENIKS-FP5-EC-R&D: Ferromagnetic Semiconductors and Novel Magnetic-Semiconductor Heterostructures for Improved Knowledge on Spintronics(2001-2005);
- COST ACTION P11: Preparation and study of amorphous & nano-crystalline photonic materials (direct cooperation with New Zealand, France) (2003-2007);
- COST ACTION P16 (ECOM): Preparation & study of new Heusler alloys (bulk and nano-films by PLD) (2005-2009);
- COST Action MP 07 02: Towards Functional Sub-Wavelength Photonic Structures (2009-2012);
- COST Action MP 0805: Novel Gain Materials and Devices Based on III-V-N Compounds (2009-2013);
- Intergovernmental Romania - Republica Moldova: Correlation synthesis-microstructure-properties for aluminophosphate vitreous bulk materials with application in magnetooptics, no. 695/2013;
- Intergovernmental Romania - Republica Moldova: Mechanical properties of the vitreous phosphate materials, doped with rare-earth ions, no. 428/15.06.2010;
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- Hits: 2554
Solids Synthesis Laboratory (LaSIS) - applies original techniques for obtaining advanced materials in solid phase; sol-gel powders by the synthesis in temperature gradient and its variations; Travel Heater and Travel Solvent for solid material (poly ~ and monocrystalline); thin films obtaining (with a thickness between 20-800 nm) by Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) and by sol-gel, spin-coating technique. The laboratory is equipped with suitable devices for the above techniques, such as PLD Workstation (PLD 2000 from PVD Products) upgraded with RHEED accessory; equipment for vacuum and gas heat treatment; spin-coater Laurell 650. Also, the LaSIS laboratory includes a multifunctional device for electrodeposition (ORIGALYS electrochemical combine) used in core-shell nanomaterials obtaining, in analyte identification, and in battery testing, as well as a DROPSENS µSTAT-I-400 potentiostat/galvanostat that can be applied for voltammetric characterization of biological materials. Cutting and polishing systems are used for sample processing.
Relevant equipment:
- · Pulsed Laser Deposition Workstation (PLD2000)-PVD Products LTD (2 laser wavelengths);
- · Planetary Micro Mill Pulverisette-FRITSCH;
- · Spin Coater: Laurell 650;
- · Polisching machines Mecapol P260;
- · Cutting machine MECATOME T 201 A;
Advanced optical characterization laboratory (LaOPT) for analyzing the optical and structural properties of advanced materials as bulk, films with different thicknesses, nanostructures, and nanoparticles, by spectroscopic techniques (Fourier transform IR, Raman spectroscopy and SERS, UV-VIS-NIR spectroscopy, Ellipsometry, Photoluminescence).
Relevant equipment: