Bilateral Agreements


NEW ZEALAND: The MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology, Victoria University, Wellington:Preparation and investigation by Raman spectroscopy and photoluminescence of photonic materials based on functional polymers, GaN and doped glasses

FRANCE: MADIREL-UMR 6121 CNRS-Universite de Provence, Marseille : Preparation and investigation of structural properties of photonic materials and magnetic alloys and nitrides

IM2-Universite de la Mediterranee, Marseille: Research in the field of preparation and investigation of Heusler compounds (especially « tailored » ones) and other magnetic materials with applications in SPINTRONICS.

UNITED KINGDOM: Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine –London: Investigation of magnetic alloys with applications in spintronics, magnetocalorics and photonics.

CYPRUS: Department of Physics, University of Cyprus: Investigation of magnetic alloys with applications in spintronics and of photonic materials prepared by sol-gel and PLD.

BELGIUM: Catholic University of Leuven: Extra Shock Wave Lithotripsy applications in medicine


PORTUGAL: New University of Lisbon: Preparation and study of piezoceramics


PORTUGAL- University of Aveiro: Ceramic and Glass Engineering Department: preparation and optical/structural characterization of photonic materials based on crystalline and vitreous oxide glasses applied in optoelectronics (waveguide lasers, holographic gratings, etc)

PORTUGAL-University of Aveiro, Department of Physics, I3N/FSCOSD, preparation and optical/structural characterization of materials as bulk, powders and thin films



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