National Projects


PNCDI - IV Program

2023-2026 - Programul-nucleu din cadrul Planului Național de Cercetare Dezvoltare și Inovare 2022-2027, derulat cu sprijinul MCID, proiect nr. PN 23 05 - “Consolidarea excelenței ştiințifice în optoelectronică şi domenii conexe prin sinergia politicilor de cercetare şi inovare naționale, regionale şi ale Uniunii Europene, conform viziunii SNCISI 2022-2027 “  - OPTRONICA VII (Cod PN 23 05 nr. 11N/03.01.2023)


PNCDI - III Program 


  • Ultrasensitive gas sensor array for greenhouse environment assessment - GreHSEN, 393PED/2020 (proiect PED);
  • E-tongue like sensor for food safety - FoodESense, 87/2020 (proiect PD);



  •  New Directions of Technological Development and Use of Advanced Nano-Composite Materials - AdvanceNano, 47PCCDI/15.03.2018;
  • Oxide Nano-Composites with Nano-Carbon Materials for Applications in Photonics - NANOCOMPOZITCARB, 42PCCDI/01.04.2018;


PNCDI - II Program


  • Nanostructure-based system for real time detection of malignant tumor margins - NANOMARDET, 20/2014;
  • Sensors for metals based on azulenes modified electrodes for water quality monitoring - SEMEMA, 236/2014;



  • New vitreous magneto-optical materials applied in optoelectronics – MOVITOPT, 186/2012;
  • Nanostructrures based on new organometallic compounds for electronic applications - NANOCEA, 17/2012;



  • Quantum confinement effect of CdS / CdSe quantum dots in phosphor aluminosilicate matrix as a promising new temperature sensing material - TEMPGLASS, 51/2011;
  • Chemical and optical characterization of atmospheric suspended particles - CHEMOP, 12/2011;



  • Advanced Organometallic Materials for Optoelectronics  MOMAOPT, 72-177/2008;
  • Nonlinear functionalities in new nanostructured photonic materials for information technology - FUNFOTON, 12-111/2008;
  • Research on obtaining of phosphato-potassium vitreous fertilizers with controlled solubility and estabilishing the parameters for their use in plants production - AGROFERTIGLASS, 52-139/2008;



  • Synthesis of vitreous materials based on SiO2 with high degree of doping control with applications  in photonics - VITROFOTONANOSIN, 11-053/2007;
  • Development of clean technologies for glass industry in the context of the sustainable development - CLEANTECHGLASS, 21-020/2007;
  • Advance phosphate materials with vitreous structure, doped with rare-earth ions, for optoelectronic applications – OPTOGLASS, 71-054/2007;
  • Monitoring of metallic structures behaviour at mechanical actions SISMET, 31-054/2007;


CEEX National Research Programme

  • Advanced structured materaials for microelectronic mycrosistems CEEX 05-D11-38/ 06.10.2005- ASMOM 2005-2008;
  • Tailored Heusler alloys for spintronics CEEX 69/2005 - ASPIDHA 2005-2008;
  • Experimental Method for study of magnetic  materials through magneto-optic Kerr effect CEEX-33/2005 MAGNEKER 2005-2008;
  • Ecological glass through nanotechnologies for diminishing, adapting and restoring the natural environment elements Nr. 635 / 03.10.2005 - FRIENDLY GLASS;
  • Non-destructive method to evaluate the characteristics of road layers CEEX X1C15/2005 MNSR, 2005-2008;
  • Calcium Carbonate synthesis with preordained properties by non-conventional procedures CEEX 18/2005 SONOCARB, 2005-2008;
  • Interdisciplinary network targeting the research and the synthesis of semiconductor and conductor nanostructures aiming at obtaining photonic and optoelectronic devices used in biology and medicine  51 / 05.10.2005 – NANOCRYSTALNET;
  • Interactions, mechanisms and new phenomena in 2D, 3D nitrides systems based on 3d and 4f transitional elements CEEX D11-40/2006 TRANZEL 2005-2008;
  • Obtinerea de nanopigmenti pentru acoperiri decorative vitroase digitalizate 201-5/20.07.2006 – DIGIDECOR;
  • Behaviour of emergent states in strongly correlated electron systems CEEX-/2006-COSTEMSEC.




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