1D/2D optoelectronic sensor ELEN ONE



Integrated optoelectronic sensor for 1D/2D dimensional measurement of angular and linear displacement – ELEN ONE



Application on-site (outdoor) and on-lab (indoor) with direct on line connection to an external PC processing system


ELEN-ONE sensor is used to control and monitoring the techical status of some equipments and technological lines in different industrial domains: energy, processing and engineering, railroad, navy and aircraft.


Original software OEM application „Electronic Speckle Patterning Interferometry” ESPI to process off-line/on-line images    


•         Voltage supply and power U=220 VCA, Pmax.abs.=120 W

•         Resolution (1D/2D angular/linear displacement): 0.3mdeg and, 0.002 µm, respectively, for 10 mm radius and accuracy < +0,050 µm for 250 mm displacement

•         Dimensions: 221.60 x 260 x 84.85 mm

•         Total weight: 650 g

•         Economic efficiency due to the reduction by 38-40% of maintenance and services and prolongation of equipment endurence

•         Economic benefit by implementation and exploitation of the facilities provided by ELEN-ONE sensor